Measuring Success

I had a conversation with a friend today about where we want to go in our careers. It was amazing just how differently we view success. My friend is the age as I am, single, and has a similar background. He mentioned that he really wants to rise up the corporate ladder and become a manager, and some day a vice president at his job.

When I explained that I want to love what I do, he had a puzzled look on his face. It doesn’t matter to me what my title is in life. It doesn’t matter how many people work for me, or if I’m a millionaire by the time I hit 40. I just want to enjoy what I do.

Work is where I spend the majority of my time. I believe that warrants doing something you love. I don’t want to dread getting out of bed everyday, or watch the clock every afternoon. I want to love what I do for a living. That’s my dream.

I’ve heard this same thought echoed by other successful people. Specifically, Warren Buffet. He has said he loves waking up every day, driving into work, reading newspapers and financial statements, and making investments. I can understand why he has no plans to retire. Why would he stop doing what he loves?

As I prepare to start class in two weeks, I can’t help but think it’s going to be a lot of fun. I know there will be lots of work, stress, deadlines, challenges, and headaches, but those are unavoidable. At the end of the day, I want to look back and be able to say I had fun. If I can do that, then I know I’ve been successful.


  1. Jen Homann says:

    This. This is exactly why I’m considering a similar move and why I’m enjoying reading about your experience at Code School so far.

    Best of luck to you! I’ll be following along 🙂

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